meet the photographer
my name's emily finger, and i am the proud photographer of fingerprints. I was enrolled in a Photography III Portfolio Class the Fall semester of 2011 at Hartwick College, and here is a blog created to show my updates of work, thoughts of other artists, and development of my portfolio throughout the semester. With the semester being over, i am going to continue to use this blog for my Spring Semester at Hartwick 2012, and also just for my work in general.

we do: portraits, headshots, fashion, studio work, landscapes, weddings, events, and any type of photography needs! rates are cheap and affordable and are comparable to any beginner photographers.

email me at:

check out finger prints.

keep'n up with the blogg
September 2011
January 2012
March 2012
May 2012

happy snappin'
Fingerprints Cornfields - Lancome Add in Shades of Gold....Graveyard?
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 @ 2:58 AM

"The goal is not to change your subjects, but for the subject to change the photographer." ~Author Unknown
In my last post, i talked about how much i loved John Bregar's photo's of Nina Dobrev in the corn field and how i really wanted to do something like it. Well, the weekend before Halloween, i took two beautiful girls, Maya and Brooklyn along with my handsome friend Ryan to freeze their ass's off in Schenevus, New York at a Corn Maze to do just that. Not only did i drag them at 10am on a saturday for a 20 min drive to the middle of nowhere off campus, i did it twice because i realized when we got on location, i had forgotten my battery at campus. While they shivered and froze to death (as a snow storm was supposed to be hitting at 2pm), they were good sports and took absolutely stunning photos. All semester, i have liked my photos, but i wasn't getting the quality i really wanted or the impact i wanted. I knew that part of it was the fact that my camera (canon t1i) just wasn't cutting it for what i wanted to be able to capture, but there was also just something about the image quality that was lacking. For these, i used my larger lens for really the first time all semester, and the difference was wildly noticeable.
The images were a ton sharper, and way more detailed then my past shoots. Since the day itself was overcast, the soft light acted as a soft box and gave me the desired glowing lighting that i love so much and is a trademark of all my photos. The tones in the images were also lovely and soft because of this and while it was freezing, i couldn't have ask for a better day to shoot. Since the quality of the photos were such an improvement from the previous shoots, i had much less editing to do and it was a much faster process uploading the images to facebook, where i had been mainly uploading all my shoots even though i should have been doing so on here...(sorry Kath). I saw this shoot as a huge step in the right direction for the improvement and betterment of my photography, and was very excited in this big leap forward.
I was also really proud of myself for being able to take the idea of Nina's cornfield shoot and turn it into something that was completely my own and original. I love that my work is gold rather then green, and that i was able to incorporate more than one model. I like that it differs in lighting in the sense of desaturated and golden tones. But i also really like that you get different vibes from the different shoots, provoking different thought processes and ideas that may relate, but are also unique within themselves.
On a side note - a very big thank you to my 3 amazing models for suffering. you guys were wonderful!

"All photos are accurate. None of them is the truth." ~Richard Avedon

Maya Aboumrad

Freshman at Hartwick College, Maya is a beautiful girl who photographs stunning. In every image i have of Maya she was working the camera, connecting with it and triggering a reaction out of every viewer. Shivering throughout most of the shoot, Maya toughed it out and did a spectacular job. She also didn't express too much bitterness with me as we had to drive back to get my battery, even thought on the inside i'm pretty sure she wanted to smack me. Thanks for dealing with me! :)

Brooklyn Griffin

Brooklyn is also a beautiful freshman girl at Hartwick College. Her blonde hair and blue eyes complimented the lighting and golden tones of the shoot beautifully. She also worked magnificently alongside Ryan, where the two were able to pull off looking like quite the romantic couple whose photo could have been seen as adds within a Bloomingdales. Brooklyn and Maya also looked fantastic together and the shots of the two of them came out fantastic! Brooklyn was also gracious, toughing out the cold weather even when her legs were starting to look a little purple. Thank you Brooklyn for freezing for me, the pictures are beautiful!

Ryan Cichielo

Ryan was a good friend of mine back from when i first started out as a freshman at Hartwick College. The previous year i had asked him to model for me and it never happened. When in September i told him i was starting a portfolio and wanted him to actually participate this time, he was beyond enthused and when he heard there was a shoot with a cornfield, immediately called dibbs. Ryan did a fantastic job. His strong features and harsh jawline add depth into each picture, and providing strong angles appealing to the viewers eyes. He was able to connect with both his female counterparts and share that connection with the viewers. From Florida, Ryan also dealt with the cold as best he could since he was wearing a super thing shirt. A big thank you Ryan for your help, along with your emotional support later that evening.

For shits and giggles, we also saw this graveyard on the way back to campus and decided to goof off and take some pictures there.

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