meet the photographer
my name's emily finger, and i am the proud photographer of fingerprints. I was enrolled in a Photography III Portfolio Class the Fall semester of 2011 at Hartwick College, and here is a blog created to show my updates of work, thoughts of other artists, and development of my portfolio throughout the semester. With the semester being over, i am going to continue to use this blog for my Spring Semester at Hartwick 2012, and also just for my work in general.

we do: portraits, headshots, fashion, studio work, landscapes, weddings, events, and any type of photography needs! rates are cheap and affordable and are comparable to any beginner photographers.

email me at:

check out finger prints.

keep'n up with the blogg
September 2011
January 2012
March 2012
May 2012

happy snappin'
& Know My Hearts a Stereo that Only Plays For You
Saturday, January 14, 2012 @ 12:19 AM

A shoot that i've wanted to do for a long time, was to incorporate dresses with pianos and rose petals. My soon to be beautiful best friend Andrea Gonzalez was wonderful enough to model for me, and after our successful trip to the Salvation Army, we were able to find the perfect dress. Buying roses and going into the Anderson Center of the Arts theater at Hartwick College, we brought my soft box into the theater and set up the lovely scene. I really enjoyed working on this shoot, it was the start of creating scenes and thinking more about movie still like images rather then simple studio portraits. I was happy to work on getting away from that and trying new things. Also having a musical background from my parents, i enjoyed incorporating a part of myself into my work.

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