meet the photographer
my name's emily finger, and i am the proud photographer of fingerprints. I was enrolled in a Photography III Portfolio Class the Fall semester of 2011 at Hartwick College, and here is a blog created to show my updates of work, thoughts of other artists, and development of my portfolio throughout the semester. With the semester being over, i am going to continue to use this blog for my Spring Semester at Hartwick 2012, and also just for my work in general.

we do: portraits, headshots, fashion, studio work, landscapes, weddings, events, and any type of photography needs! rates are cheap and affordable and are comparable to any beginner photographers.

email me at:

check out finger prints.

keep'n up with the blogg
September 2011
January 2012
March 2012
May 2012

happy snappin'
Sunday, March 25, 2012 @ 2:49 PM

"Instincts control us, and while many people wage war on them either by trying to ignore them or go against them, our instincts will always be victorious." - Emily Finger

My final show at the end of the semester was a series called "Untamed." Below is my artist statement along with the collection of images.

As an artist that is known for portraits and studio work, I wanted to use my opportunity for a show to explore a certain subject and portray that with my skills for dramatic lighting. Untamed, is a series of photographs that concentrates on the animal instinct that lies within each human being. It studies the primitive, uncivilized, raw wants and needs that are found deep down within each individual. As animals; we are all guilty of acting on impulse, of following our desires, of fleeing when something inside us warns us of danger, or making decisions based off of what our “gut” tells us. Instincts control us, and while many people wage war on them either by trying to ignore them or go against them, our instincts will always be victorious. It is through this series that the animal within everyone was unleashed, and we were able to create something raw, disconcerting, and hauntingly beautiful. It is a troublesome matter, if one’s instincts become out of hand for humans have a tendency to become all consumed. It is then that all that matters is for the gratification of their needs to be met, even if it is at the expense of everything else. It is there, in that all consumption, where the individual becomes untamed.

I would like to give a special thank you and credit to the talented Ben Yacavone and Cassidy Leibman, who painted the wonderful animals for me. I would also like to thank Jesse Elkins, Morgan Stafford, Andrea Gonzalez and Evan Jones for all of their help putting this together. Also, a big thank you to my models, reptiles; Morgan Stafford and Tim Crawford, snow leopards; Jesse Elkins and Dee Medina, peacock Emily Frany, and tiger Maya Saati.

ft. Morgan Stafford and Tim Crawford

Snow Leopards
ft. Damaris Medina and Jessie Elkins

Peacock and Tiger
ft. Emily Frany and Maya Saati

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